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About our Program

Bartali Youth in Movement offers annual cycling programs to community centers, and to those living in youth villages around Israel. The programs are designed in accordance with each framework’s unique educational or therapeutic mission.


These programs teach cycling skills, promote motivation and self-discipline and create a strong sense of team work and social cohesiveness. As part of the program, participants train to participate in multi-day cycling activities and take part in challenge events, both of which require a long-term commitment. Program participants are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and build a positive body image.


Building on these programs, we have created the Bartali Youth Leadership School, a multi-year program for young athletes. The youth, who come from around the country and  from different social backgrounds, speak different languages. They are brought together to live under the same roof as part of our goal of bridging social gaps. The students live at the school full time, following a first of its kind curriculum, combining intensive cycling training and leadership studies. Using methods of experiential learning, the students learn powerful tools for multicultural pluralism, respect, understanding, and non-violent conflict resolution. Through volunteer activities at the School and in the community, the school nurtures the idea of giving back and driving change as a way of life for these students. 


We believe that by acting as models for excellence and instilling a passion for cycling in our program participants, we are laying the groundwork for these adolescents to create a personal vision for themselves, expanding their sense of responsibility and capability, and aiding them in developing resilience, perseverance and determination.


Bartali Youth in Movement works with youth from across Israeli society and celebrates their diversity, encourages acceptance and fosters collaboration. 

Bartali Youth in Movement offers annual cycling programs to community centers, and to those living in youth villages around Israel. The programs are designed in accordance with each framework’s unique educational or therapeutic mission.


These programs teach cycling skills, promote motivation and self-discipline and create a strong sense of team work and social cohesiveness. As part of the program, participants train to participate in multi-day cycling activities and take part in challenge events, both of which require a long-term commitment. Program participants are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and build a positive body image.


Building on these programs, we have created the Bartali Youth Leadership School, a multi-year program for young athletes. The youth, who come from around the country and  from different social backgrounds, speak different languages. They are brought together to live under the same roof as part of our goal of bridging social gaps. The students live at the school full time, following a first of its kind curriculum, combining intensive cycling training and leadership studies. Using methods of experiential learning, the students learn powerful tools for multicultural pluralism, respect, understanding, and non-violent conflict resolution. Through volunteer activities at the School and in the community, the school nurtures the idea of giving back and driving change as a way of life for these students. 


We believe that by acting as models for excellence and instilling a passion for cycling in our program participants, we are laying the groundwork for these adolescents to create a personal vision for themselves, expanding their sense of responsibility and capability, and aiding them in developing resilience, perseverance and determination.


Bartal Youth in Movement works with youth from across Israeli society and celebrates their diversity, encourages acceptance and fosters collaboration. 

The Phase Model

Bartali - Youth in Movement invites the participants to join a long-term process, in which they gradually enlarge their range of personal abilities and skills, and accordingly gain increasing responsibility and independence within the organization.

1st Phase:  Intake

  • Exposure to the Organization, choosing to join, passing the selection process, joining the group.

  • Absorption in the group, connection to the cycling world, to the group and the instructor

  • Acquiring an identity as part of the group and the organization

2nd Phase: Personal and Group Empowerment

  • Acquiring basic riding skills

  • Coping  with personal challenges = personal empowerment

  • Adopting a training routine

  • Participation in peak rides and journeys

3rd Phase: Group Empowerment and Mutual Responsibility

  • Persistence in challenging group training rides

  • Setting challenging group goals

  • Participation in peak rides and group journeys

  • Helping teammates and building mutual responsibility

4th Phase: Leadership Building and giving back to the Community

  • Participation in courses and professional training: Technical Team / Instructors Course

  • Accepting roles in the youth villages and riding centers and volunteering in the community

  • Training and leadership development alongside practical experience.

5th Phase: Leadership and Giving Back to Society

  • Pre-army voluntary-service year program (Shnat Sherut) and giving back to the Israel society in its broader circles

  • Training and providing tools for social influence and meaningful doing

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